Erasmus Mundus - Al Idrisi II

Erasmus Mundus - Al Idrisi II

A scholarship scheme for exchange and cooperation
between Europe and North Africa

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Important: The following information refers to the first edition of Erasmus Mundus - Al Idrisi that will not grant scholarships any more. If you would like to read more about the second edition or are interested in a scholarship, please click on the following link: Erasmus Mundus - Al Idrisi II

Abdelmalek Essaâdi University was created in 1989 and covers three main areas: Science and Technology, Arts and Humanities, and Law, Economics and Management. The University Abdelmalek Essaâdi is a unique university in the northern Region of Morocco “Tangiers-Tétouan Region” which hosts many structural projects and knows a continuous development. Since its inception, the University Abdelmalek Essaâdi remained faithful to its missions who are: * The initial and continuing education and training, * Scientific research and valorization of results, * The dissemination of culture and scientific information, * Cooperation. The University provides curricula which lead to higher education degrees organized following the LMD. It enrolls almost 34 000 students and has 750 professors and 540 staffs members. It is spread on six campuses situates in three towns: Tangier, Tetouan and Larache. UAE has a long track record in scientific cooperation with Europe in a number of FP7, Tempus and Erasmus Mundus projects and with close links with many European universities.

Université Abdelmalek Essaâdi, Tetouan, Morocco


Official Erasmus Mundus - Al Idrisi contact person: Prof. Hassan Ezbakhe

Contact emails and phone numbers:
Please address specific questions according to the topic only to one of the following addresses:

  • for general questions about the Erasmus Mundus - Al Idrisi project at the Université Abdelmalek Essaâdi, Tetouan
    Prof. Hassan Ezbakhe
    email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • for students and staff interested in Erasmus Mundus - Al Idrisi scholarships
    El Kbiach Mohammed L’bachir
    email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Further information:


Al Idrisi Scholarships


Erasmus Mundus - Al Idrisi II is a project for exchange and cooperation between Europe and North Africa that provided scholarships for undergraduate and master students, doctoral candidates, post-doctoral fellows and academic and administrative staff. The third and last call for applications closed in January 2016. Further calls are not expected. We invite you to stay informed and subscribe to our News Alert!


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Home Al Idrisi 1: Partnership Al Idrisi I: Université Abdelmalek Essaâdi, Tetouan, Morocco